Learning to think critically about STIs based on accurate information can open people’s minds and hearts. While it works best in combination with other methods, treatment as prevention may be a good option for people who are consistent with their treatment and testing. Keeping yourself healthy and your HIV under control is another great way to protect your partner. Individuals who can get to, and maintain, an undetectable viral load are not at risk of transmitting the virus to their partner during sex. This is known as treatment as prevention. It can also be helpful to have information for a potential partner about sexual transmission of HIV and what behaviors are more and less risky.

I am certain my generosity and good heart made me a weak and and easy target in his eyes. You have to make them EARN your love and respect. And you do this by not giving your money and trust away. 95% of the things I need to do as a single guy, I can accomplish either by riding my ebike, ordering online, or taking some form of public transportation/Uber. It does feel a bit restrictive at times because it feels like I’m in this bubble formed between what I can physically travel and the time it would take to bike there. But then again even when I had a car, it was mostly just, go to work and go home.

Our work schedules changed and it was difficult to see each other. I hadn’t had a relationship in over 3 years. Sam, it’s OK to love someone but you are not responsible for fixing that person’s problems. You can help him find solutions — job referrals, grants, social services, etc. — and emotionally support him in that journey, but you are free to draw the boundaries — especially when it comes to money. Being a “kept” man or woman is OK if you both agree to that because you both are getting out of it what you need. That doesn’t sound like the situation here, sorry.


I loved the hell out of my man and supported him financially like Marato is doing. Supposedly I was the love of his life. He left me suddenly for a woman who has no money or means to help financially. Incredibly HARD PAINFUL lesson to learn but its 100% true.

Having Unreasonable Expectations on Tinder

Some old lonely hen gathering at a table in a local bar or restaurant with other lonely hens to play cards and complain about your neighbors once a week? What fun is eating out alone, or vacationing alone if you can afford to do so? That’s why men don’t hunt, fish, golf, or even drink alone at any age, it sucks. What does it matter to keep your money only to spend your golden years and then die all by yourself? So he sucks with money, he gets by right?

You will need to consider your situation and the services available in your area, your ability to carpool or work from home, and how far you’re willing to walk or bike. Living without a car is not for everyone. But if you’re looking to steer clear of some financial burden, help the environment or have some other reasons, perhaps it’s time you started considering if you could live without a car. For many people, a car feels like an everyday necessity of life. But with new technologies and alternative transportation options, people are discovering it’s possible to live without a car. And we’re not just talking about those living in a city like New York.

Don’t always rely on your partner for transportation.

Yet, at the end of the day, you’re not going to be happy. You know you’re not going to settle for this person, and it’s eating both of you up as well as the relationship. I have a difficult time understanding how other people manage to date people they know they aren’t going to share their lives with. With road trips or long commutes, it’s easy for a car to cost even more each year. Just think, these savings could go toward an exotic vacation, new home décor or put into a savings account for rainy-day fund.

He doesn’t have a car.

I wouldn’t say it’s a deal breaker…but to give an idea the other night I texted a guy I had been talking too for awhile to come over for a midnight swim only to get a “how am I going to get there” text. I guess you could say it ruined the mood for me a little. I didn’t mind picking him up and dropping him off for dates and too hang out and to sleep over, but after that it made me kind of think a little.

I am about 40 years old and had no/unstable jobs the last 5 years. I had a stable job before that, for 3 years, until the financial crisis and merger closed by department. Before that I had different jobs but only a few weeks of employment gap. Being a caring, selfless and helpful person are nice bonuses, but unless he has a high income, he isn’t even in the game.

I have supported myself and my children for the last 10 years. I own a 4 bedroom house, a boat, a camper and I do this on my own. However, the last couple of men I have dated seriously took me for granted. The last boyfriend lived with me rent free for the last year. The first 4 months, I agreed to it because I knew he was just getting back to work. He then agreed to pay $500/ month for rent.

A partner, a lover, is someone completing your life not building it for you or this is, for me a kind of parasite. Now for my daughter, I want to teach her to be independant, to be a real woman and not a little princess who have to find a middle class husband with a good situation. I’m independant and I don’t need anybody to juge me about my choices, and if someone do, I don’t even pay attention to it. What, I need in my life is a person who is driven by a goal in her life. For me a woman who look for a man to look after her family is not a woman but a spoiled teenager. My ex, she has been raised in a middle class family with good incomes and good money.

In 15 years, women are projected not just to close the income gap with men—but to reverse it and out-earn men on average. Don’t marry datingrated him, you will regret later! I’ve never been one to focus on money — my own or someone else’s — or see it as a path to happiness.