
Our programs provide the best of theological education that can stand all the context based challenges of ministry and life.


Master of Arts

Biblical and Theological Studies, Evangelism and Missions, Pastoral Care and Counseling, Bible Translation, Christian Education, and Music.


Bachelor of Arts Program

Equiping students for ministry as pastors and workers for the Church. In addition, the Dip.Th programme aims to provide the biblical and theological training that is necessary for other church-related ministries.


Diploma of Theology

Equipping students for ministry as pastors and workers for the Church. In addition, the Dip.Th programme aims to provide the biblical and theological training that is necessary for other church-related ministries.


Women's Vocational Institute

Equipping students for ministry as pastors and workers for the Church. In addition, the Dip.Th programme aims to provide the biblical and theological training that is necessary for other church-related ministries.



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Technical Arts

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History & Culture

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Program Concentrations

Cameroon Baptist Theological Seminary (CBTS)

Diploma of Theology

  • Diploma of Theology in Church Music

Bachelors of Arts

  • Bachelors of Arts in Christian Education
  • Bachelors of Arts in Church Music
  • Bachelors of Arts in Applied Linguistics and Bible Translation
  • Bachelors of Arts in Biblical and Theological Studies
  • Bachelors of Arts in Evangelism and Missions
  • Bachelors of Arts in Pastoral Care and Counselling

Masters of Arts/Divinity

  • Masters of Arts/Divinity in Biblical and Theological Studies
  • Masters of Arts/Divinity in Evangelism and Missions
  • Masters of Arts/Divinity in Pastoral Care and Counselling
  • Masters of Arts/Divinity in Christian Leadership and Administration

Baptist Institute of Higher Learning (BIHL)

Higher Institute of Social Sciences

  • Bachelor’s degree in Clinical Psychology
  • Bachelor’s degree in Sociology and Anthropology
  • Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology

Higher Institute of Arts

  • Bachelor’s degree in Translation
  • Master’s degree in Translation

Higher Institute of Education

  • Bachelors of Education in Curriculum Studies and Teaching
  • Bachelors of Education in Work, Community and Family Education
  • Bachelors of Education in Elementary Education