Women's Vocational institute

Our programs provide the best of vocational training in Fashion designing and Hospitality Management

Women's Vocational Institute

General Description: The Women’s Vocational Institute is a two year program that offers vocational training to girls and women of all age groups in Fashion Designing and Hospitality management. This program has no basic entry requirement as we recruit students who do not have the FSLC. Some of our students are O/L or A/L level holders. Our objective in the training is to empower the girl child. Using the adage “empowering the girl child is empowering the nation”, we train them not just with practical skills in the various specializations but also with theoretical knowledge and interpersonal skills that can help them better integrate into any society and context they find themselves in. 

Women's Vocational Institute Departments

Fashion Designing

Purpose. The purpose of the Fashion Designing Department is to equip girls/women with technical skills like: Knitting, Embroidery, Sewing, Designing of African dresses, Marking of Traditional wears, Designing of Women’s handbags and jewellery of all sorts., etc

Amongst other subjects taught here, we offer discipleship programs for the spiritual development and growth of our students.


Hospitality Management

Purpose: The purpose of the Hospitality Management Department is to equip the girls/women with the following skills: House keeping, Food production and preservation, Business management and marketing skills, Costomer care/services, Communication and interpersonal skills, Food and Nutrition, Event planning and hosting, etc

Amongst other subjects taught, we offer discipleship programs for the spiritual development and growth of our students.